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LTA National League Wiltshire
National League Summer runs from April to July in a 15 week league season and provides a local, fun and exciting tennis experience for players of all ages from 8&U to Seniors.
The LTA National League (formally Team Tennis) is a singles based team competition open for all LTA Registered Venues.
The Winter league runs from September to February for players of all ages.
For junior players competing or wanting to compete this can be a great starting point as playing alongside friends can be a real confidence boost and introduces players into match situations in a more relaxed environment.
Sam Kingdon is the Wiltshire Competition Co-ordinator and can be contacted on email [email protected] for any queries or questions regarding LTA National League.
Further Information regarding the leagues can be found here.
The previous years results can be found below:
2018 Wiltshire Team Tennis Summer League