
Wiltshire Tennis is committed to offering a safe and inclusive environment for players, relatives, parents and friends.

If you prefer to make direct contact with the LTA, please visit and follow their guidelines.

Outside of office hours you may also call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.
The NSPCC has a Whistleblowing Advice Line: call 0800 028 0285 or use [email protected].

County Safeguarding Officer Liz Lewis is available to offer advice and guidance. Please see contact details and job description below.

Swindon Borough Council
MASH (Multi-Agency Support Hub), including LADO services: 
01793 466903 (weekdays) or
email [email protected]

Wiltshire Council
Integrated Front Door (IFD): 
0300 456 0108 (8.45-5 pm Mon-Thursday; to 4 pm Friday);
Out of hours 0300 456 0100
LADO Referral: [email protected]
For less urgent enquiries email [email protected]

Find out more

Discover the Safeguarding pages in place at Wiltshire Tennis.

Safeguarding Documents

Safeguarding Documents

Safeguarding Documents

Discover the Safeguarding pages in place at Wiltshire Tennis.

Find out more information on Safeguarding on the LTA website.

LTA Safeguarding

LTA Safeguarding

LTA Safeguarding

Find out more information on Safeguarding on the LTA website.

If you have a concern then use the LTA page to register it.
“Say something if you see something”.

Register a concern

Register a concern

Register a concern

If you have a concern then use the LTA page to register it.
“Say something if you see something”.

Safeguarding Officer

Liz Lewis

Wiltshire Safeguarding Officer

Liz is the County Safeguarding Officer, working with the County to develop a Safeguarding plan to ensure County and Clubs operate in a safe and inclusive manner.   Liz, a former Club Welfare Officer, will be able to offer great advice and support to clubs and Club Welfare Officers. 

Phone: 01793 397499
eMail: [email protected]
