Wiltshire Tennis commits to the UN Sports for Climate Action

Wiltshire Tennis has committed to a net zero emissions target and have signed up the United Nations Sports for Climate Action Framework.


Global warming is placing our planet and future generations at risk. Meeting the scale of the challenge requires action by all sectors, including the sports sector to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Change Agreement. Around the world, governments, cities and businesses are taking bold climate action, leading the way towards a healthier and more sustainable future. By employing solutions to global warming each of us will be improving and contributing to public health, promoting social justice, preserving natural resources, creating reliable sources of energy and contributing to society and economy as a whole.

Climate Action Framework

In line with the United Nations Climate Action Framework we have undertaken to adopt the following principles:

Undertake systematic efforts to promote greater environmental responsibility;
Reduce overall climate impact;
Educate for climate action;
Promote sustainable and responsible consumption;
Advocate for climate action through communication.

We recognise that we have unavoidable emissions and in a bid to compensate for these we have partnered with Tree-Nation. To view the progress of our forest please click here.

For more information please see our Climate Action page.
