Wiltshire Tennis are keen to support venues to develop their coaching workforce and bring more young people into the game to inspire others to play. Tennis Leaders provide coaches with:
- An extra pairs of hands in delivering their tennis programme
- Fantastic role models for younger members or pupils to look up to
- Help to attract more young people to participate in tennis
- A fun and rewarding personal development opportunity.
All course materials and resources are provided free of charge, and the content can be delivered by any LTA Accredited+ Coach. On completion of the course all Leaders will receive:
- A branded LTA Youth Tennis Leaders t-shirt
- A certificate for each module you complete
- A workbook to refer back to
For further information on the course please visit https://www.lta.org.uk/roles-and-venues/coaches/products-and-programmes/lta-youth-tennis-leaders/
We would like to invite venues to host an LTA Youth Tennis Leader Course which is aimed at children 11-16 years at your venue which we will support through a £75 grant to help towards the delivery of the course. This course is great for succession planning or you may want to develop links with your secondary school and deliver a course on site
- Please register your course to order the LTA resources at: Tennis Leaders Order Form (formsite.com)
- Please complete the Wiltshire Tennis Funding application form at: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=CD_9ICqOSUi6Jey5I7Ylzw-whC67Rx5OpMLQzCSjr7JUMzBQUUQ2OVEwMDY5MEVEVzI0RDZHNjZWRy4u
- Please complete the LTA Course Completion form to order the certificates and T-shirts for all attendees: Tennis Leaders Course Completion Form (formsite.com)
- Please complete the Wiltshire Tennis feedback form to claim the £75 funding: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=CD_9ICqOSUi6Jey5I7Ylzw-whC67Rx5OpMLQzCSjr7JUNjdHVkFaNU9YQ1U5WE1JTzNIVFVJTjhNTC4u